"Bite Me" interrogates Mark Benecke

Source: Bite Me Magazine (July 2002), Nr. 9, page 46

Questions by Arlene Russo, editor, Bite Me Magazine


Bite Me: What is the last thing you would do if you had five minutes to live?

Mark Benecke: Grab the editor of Bite Me and invite her for a final drink.

What is the last thing you would do if you came face to face with a real vampire?

Give him a copy of my book The Dream of Eternal Life (Columbia University Press, 2002). He/she might not get the point, however.

What is the last thing you think of before you turn out the light?

Will my glasses fall down from the specter? (Explanation: To avoid crumbling my glasses at night or in the morning, I put them in the eye socket of a red plastic specter that is mounted to the wall over my bed.)

What is the last book you read?

It was more staring than reading it. The Japanese translator of one of my books sent me copies of his notes -- in Japanese text.

What is the last horror film you watched?

Apart from Not A Girl/Crossroads starring Britney Spears, Wishmaster 2 and Eyes Wide Shut. Plus, I watched some of the alleged "Snuff" stuff for an article in the Archives of Criminology.

When was the last time you were scared?

When I found out that the landlord isolated the drainpipes in the basement with asbestos.

Who is the last person you would want to meet in a dark alley?

My insurance company sales guy.

What would you like your last words to be?

Hello, flies.


