During the 1990s, Mark worked in the Philippines and Vietam to set up forensic DNA laboratories for universities (University of the Philippines, Diliman, Manila; Ho Chi Minh City). It was a truly wonderful time
DNA data papers:
HALOS SC, FERREON ACM, CHU JY, FORTUNO III ES, MIRANDA J, HARADA S, BENECKE M (1998) Allele Frequency Distribution of the Polymorphic STR Loci HUMVWA, HUMFES, HUMF13A01, and the VNTR D1S80 in a Filipino Population from Metro Manila. International Journal of Legal Medicine 111:224-226
HERING S, BRUNDIERS N, KUHLISCH E, EDELMANN J, PLATE I, BENECKE M, VAN PH, MICHAEL M, SZIBOR R (2004) DXS10011: studies on structure, allele distribution in three populations and genetic linkage to further q-telomeric chromosome X markers. International Journal for Legal Medicine 118:313-319