Über die Aussagekraft forensisch-entomologischer Untersuchungen bei nicht optimaler Asservierung und weiteren Defiziten

Zur Berechnung des Mindest-Besiedlungs-Zeitraumes von Fliegenmaden eines toten Hundes

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Insects Under The Skin? Ziploc And Matchbox Evidence In The Expert Forensic Stain Laboratory

The idea of insects living inside and on the (human) body literally drives people affected by the thought crazy. We receive samples containing alleged insect stain evidence on a regular basis which on examination mostly turn out to be non-animal fragments of skin, hair, fibers et cetera.

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Mind Your Decompositional Assumptions

Decompositional processes depend on temperature, humidity, and light, as well as on animals that can access the body. In low-level cases, suicides, or cases of self-neglect especially, these factors are not always taken into consideration because a full investigation may not have taken place.

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Detection and quantification of Proporxur in the succession of insects of medico-legal importance

To detect and quantify the amount of Propoxur in insects of forensic importance and search for entomotoxicologic indicators, the HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography) technique was used on individuals collected during the ecological succession associated with the corpses of rabbits.

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Six forensic entomology cases: description and commentary

Several cases are reported which show that a wide range of applications in medico-legal questions and hygiene together or apart from estimating the PMI can be answered by use of Forensic Entomology techniques including close observation of larval development.

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Severe post mortem damages by ants on a human corpse

We report a case of skin damages on a human corpse found in late spring in a suburban area of Cosenza (Region Calabria, Southern Italy) caused by activity of Tapinoma nigerrimum (Nylander) (Hymenoptera: Formicidae).

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Neglect of the elderly: forensic entomology cases and considerations

Wounds of living persons are a potential target for the same flies that live, or feed early on corpses. This can lead to complications in estimation of PMI but also allows to determine additional information that might be valuable in a trial, or during the investigations.

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Insect Traces and the Mummies of Palermo – a Status Report

In an interdisciplinary investigation of the mummies of the Capuchin Monastery in Palermo we made entomological findings with regards to the comparatively poor state of preservation of the deceased, to provide enlightenment about the process of natural mummification, as little is known about how the bodies were handled after death until they were laid out in the basement.

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Insektenbefall am Leichnam als Wissensquelle in der Gerichtsmedizin

NaturwissenschaftlerInnen und GeisteswissenschaftlerInnen sprechen verschiedene Sprachen. Sie denken anders und arbeiten mit völlig verschiedenen Werkzeugen.

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